This is the 15th year that Leah's Front Line is walking in the Great Strides walk. 15 YEARS!!!! Wow! Thank you for your amazing support! We think of our team as being on the Front Line next to Leah, helping her fight this battle against CF! Since Leah's Front Line was established in 2010, our team has raised over $100,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! THANK YOU! Your support means the world to us! We believe that supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is one of the most strategic ways we can fight for a cure for this disease. We could not fight this battle on our own. We need you, and most importantly, we need God to lead the way. We are constantly calling on our God for strength and healing and hope. And we are continually blessed by the outpouring of support we receive from those around us.
We will keep fighting to add more tomorrows for Leah and everyone living with cystic fibrosis! Will you join us?