It has been a rough start to the school year for Leah. She has not been feeling good. After being in and out of school, she started running high fevers last Saturday, leading to her being admitted to the hospital late Sunday night with bacterial pnuemonia. She will stay in the hospital to receive two weeks of IV antibiotics, along with increased respiratory treatments. She is on day 5 of 14.
As our team of doctors treat Leah for her acute sickness, we have been trying to identify the source of this infection so we can treat it better. However, her cultures continue to show the same bacteria she normally cultures. So we have been discussing how best to proceed forward. Please pray for healing for Leah. She has been pretty miserable as she continues to spike really high fevers two to three times a day, often taking two hours or longer to bring her fever down. In between fevers, she gets some relief and perks up quite a bit, acting much more like herself. Since fevers are our bodies way to fight infection, we know Leah is fighting hard against this infection. Still we would prefer to get these fevers under control. On a lighter note, we have made a new game with pipe cleaners in Leah's room. Child life volunteers bring Leah crafts and activities to help make her time more enjoyable while at the hospital. The other day she was given two packages of pipe cleaners. So naturally there are now tiny pipe cleaner stick figures hiding around her room for visitors to find. So make sure you are ready for a quick game of "Where's Waldo?" if you plan to visit :)
Aunt Sonya
10/25/2019 07:22:00 pm
Awe poor Leah, we are praying for her ❤️
Evelyn Ventrice
10/26/2019 03:20:35 am
Hi Leah, praying you continue to stay strong and for fast recovery 😘🙏🏻
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April 2022