As we continue to wait for Spring to come, Great Strides is quickly approaching. The year has already taken quite a toll on Leah as she needed to do her fifth hospital stay this March. Thankfully, she was home before Easter and is settling back into her regular routine. For Leah, every day is a battle against this disease, requiring much of her time and attention. But this is her normal. As she told me the other day, "I am just a normal 10 year old kid...with CF...with NTM...with Asthma." Her normal may look different than my normal, but at the end of the day she is a super creative girl who loves to have fun and play. Will you help us support Leah as she fights this disease? Every donation given helps us get closer to a cure for CF. The South Suburban Great Strides walk is on Saturday, May 12 at Commissioner's Park in Frankfort.
Walk details: Registration begins at 9:30am **Please be at our Leah's Front Line tent at 10:30am for a team picture!! Walk begins at 11am Picnic lunch following To join our team or donate, please go to: Thank You!
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We are truly blessed. We want this to be a place we can share updates on how Leah is doing with her CF. As well as a place to share our hopes, dreams, and prayer requests. Thank you for loving and supporting Leah as she fights everyday to add more tomorrows. SubscribeArchives
April 2022